Monday 22 December 2008

Christmas mania ....

Yes, that is what is going on in our house ....

So school is out, I went up to the nursery on Thursday at the end of his Christmas party, just in time to see Father Christmas arrive and give all the children an early gift, Ethan got a remote controlled car, which was a huge hit! All the children were very hyper and the teachers looked like they were looking forward to a nice rest!! I had some nice presents and cards for the staff as they do such a great job of making my boy so smart.

Ethan's 'wife' (whilst in the home corner, they seem to like playing at getting married, and E is always the groom. I think it is because he is the tallest in the class, and has a gaggle of girls wanting to marry him. But Raigan appears to be the favourite. Her mum told me she can't stop talking about him and says he is her prince!), a sweet little girl called Raigan, was desperate to give him a hug goodbye, but by this point Ethan was very distracted with his car!

Then I did the Christmas food shop .... a tad stressful, but it is done now! So now my kitchen is bursting with yummy treats ... mulled wine and a slice of dolcelata anyone!!

Then on Friday morning I had to take Ethan to the doctor as he didn't seem right at all, he has Broncilitis (sp?) and the dr said it is worse at night. Hence the nigthmares and high temp, and his 'hurting heart' as he kept telling me, will be heartburn. I felt particularly bad as Dr Bee said he has swollen glands like golf balls, I hadn't even noticed! Once the meds had kicked in, I was able to take him to the Singing Kettle (he was past the contagious stage, lol!), which is a great way of taking the Christmas spirit up a notch!!

Ethan is away with his dad until tomorrow afternoon, so I am trying to get all the wrapping done and tidy the house in preparation for the toy explosion due to hit on Thursday!! I was out with all the girls on Saturday night. A great night, although I didn't like it when we ventured into town (I prefer the smaller, more intimate pubs, lol!), so I was back home and in bed by 11.30!! Well I am getting old, lol!

I am going into town later with Marion and Nanny ....... I must stop buying for Ethan ... I just keep seeing little bits for this stocking ... he is going to need a skip!

I have loads of pics to show, but haven't uploaded them yet. Promise to try!! Also my next SA submission was sent off last week and we have out next package and challenge instructions already, so need to find some time over Christmas to get scrapping!

Hope you all enjoy the next few days!
Chill out and relax.
Em xx

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