Wednesday, 3 June 2009

He's football crazy!!

Evening all ...

Well I have been a slack-Sally again on the old blog front, I have no excuse .. except that summer arrived in Scotland last Friday and it has been lovely and sunny, so we have been spending most of our free time outside, finally!!!

So not been scrapping as much, although I did take Scrapbook Trends, Cards and a notebook down to the park and jotted down lots of ideas!!

I have many works in progress, as a result of superb daily prompts over on Cocoa Daisy, I am loving this forum, it is really inspiring and a great group of ladies.... I have been persuaded, lol, to sub to their kits ... can't wait!! I was extremely shocked recently to have been awarded the LO of the week twice in as many weeks, which is a great boost to the old confidence!

Here is a LO for you, I haven't taken any pics of the other finished ones and the light is too bad now ... in fact the light was bad on this LO, but you will get the general idea!Ethan joined a football team yesterday ... he is now signed up for football training every Tuesday evening, yesterday was his first session ad he LOVED it ... so, so cute..... I really wanted him to take part in a group sport, for the team building/confidence, as he starts school in the summer and I am fretting..... so i will now be spending my Tuesday evenings hanging out at the park... better get a good book!

Right, I am really tired tonight, I went for a really nice walk to Dysart this afternoon while he was at nursery, am in training for the Race for Life in a few weeks ... so am going to go to bed in anticipation of The Apprentice!

4 weeks today my boy will be 5!!!!!!!!!!!! Yikes, yikes .... where oh where has the time gone?!
But on a less gut-wrenching note .. 4 weeks on Sat we will be lapping up the Greek sunshine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nighty night!