Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Life got in the way!!!

So, so, so very sorry ... I have been a rubbish blogger of late! It was the summer holidays and we had lots going on, but now Ethan has started school I have much more time on my hands .. and will have even more next week when he goes full-time!!

I have been doing loads of scrapping, will take some pics and get them up here asap ... been buying lots of yummy stash.. doing some home improvements... we have celebrated a few birthdays ... so lots of shopping... but mostly spending some fab time with our family and friends!

I promise to be better and not to devote all my time to Facebook, lol!

Here are a few pics to tide you over...

Back soon
em xx

1 comment:

Katy said...

yay she blogs once more woohoo. Glad your back hunny have missed ya.

Speak later on Katy xxxx