Monday, 24 January 2011


Afternoon everyone!

Apologies for the serious lack in blogging, oh dear....

I have just come from a very relaxing Indian head massage, the best and I am now totally chilled. I have a course of 4 and today was the 3rd, great way to start a Monday!

So; what has been happening? Well, Christmas, New Year, getting all my BuzyMums orders done, we had the most snow I have EVER seen in my life and we also had a very, very, very bad case of croup (E) and Flu (me) ..... but we are now both raring to go and throwing ourselves full on into 2011 ... 2011... cripes, where have the years gone? My boy is 7 soon ... *gulp*

So, mojo returned and I have been bust scrapping, is so nice to have a bit of time to chill and potter (and not feel ill) before the madness starts again..... My 2nd OU course starts on Saturday, this one is more full on and a LOT more writing, but i am sure I will cope. Been getting V good grades so far, so v pleased (85% for last one!!). Also been planning lots of new stock for the shop and all the Spring craft fairs coming up.

Now my appetite is back (I didn't eat for 10 days!!), I have been doing lots of cooking and baking, is so nice to be able to enjoy food again, so have been indulging before I have to start dieting for out Florida holiday .... 19 weeks!!!

So, i am off to have some lunch and do a spot of scrapping and chill before I go and get my beloved boy.

Have a great Monday!

Em xx

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