Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Wet Wednesday

Well ... it isn't really raining here .. but has that cold, grey look about the day.... how i wish for some sun! Think it is about 15 weeks and I will have some Florida sunshine on my back and Disney in my heart..... excited ... oh yes!!

Had a great week, did a lot of work (class, OU and making new stock for the shop), had my wee monkey Joshua, went to Ikea and caught up with friends.
Ethan is back from Centre Parcs, he had a ball... but think he is keen to add rock climbing, archery and fencing lessons to his after-school activities..hmmm rock climbing I can organise but not too sure where I can source archery or fencing, hahah! He was so cuddly when he came home, he brought me a lovely bracelet and a 'valentimes' cupcake ... sweet!
Been busy with the 'Brand' for the shop and my classes, doing some work revamping the websites and generally making them much more professional. Have a fab designer working on new logos, doing the website, stationary etc for me... have to say it is all looking fab and can't wait to relaunch it all!!! Watch out Lord Sugar!!

Right, I am off to watch new Glee (the one where they write an original song!!)...

see ya later
em x

1 comment:

Michelle S said...

WOW! Off 2 Florida, mucho jealous ;) It my fav place eva!!!! U gonna c Mickey? Lots of cheap scrappy stuff too!!! :) Have fun fun fun x