Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Karate kid!

Afternoon everyone,

well i have just deposited 3 new fish into Ethan's fish tank, they are swimming happily with 2 curious cats looking on. I wonder what Ethan will call them... he didn't know I was getting them and the tank has been sitting empty and desolate since the last fish died last year... so good luck to the 3 newest additions!

As i said in the last post it is all go at the moment and I am craving a moments peace to get stuck into my projects. I have made quite a bit of progress with Ethan's quilt, having bought a new rotary cutter (thank the lord!!!) and a new acrylic template. I also got 2 other patterns of fabric, so that makes 6 different styles, and so far it is looking really good. The only drawback, and one that has seriously hampered my crocheting is my bad wrist/hand has flared up. I get it worst in my right hand/wrist and I know that in time I am probably going to get really bad arthritis (as well as failing eyesight and not being able to see close-up, I am going to do really well as a crafter, lol!). The last time it was bad my dr said i would need a steroid injection, but I really don't want to go down that road, so am currently slaving it in ibuprofen gel he gave me last time and am looking into alternative treatments and have an appointment at my local herbalist/alternative therapist!

In addition to Ethan's football and swimming and my drama classes, he has also recently started taekwon-do lessons, which he is loving. I think it is important that in addition to team sports, he also do something one on one, and taekwon-do is a great confidence/discipline builder... so far so good! So we are pretty busy around here, thank goodness I am organised and have a fully functioning schedule/diary as otherwise I have no idea where we would be.... chaos!

Tomorrow we have Joshua coming to stay until Saturday as my brother is back off-shore and Debbie is off to New York. I am going to try out a local mother and toddler group with him, which has had great reviews, plus I can drum up new custom, hee hee!

Right, I had better go and get him from school then home for quick tea before football training and the PTA meeting for me!

Em x

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