Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Fresh starts

well, we are home.. relaxed, energised and refreshed.

What a difference two glorious weeks of Greek sunshine can do to a person! The holiday was fab (photos to follow!).

This week I am back to work, with a new term of classes, which started today. Loads of new starts as well as lots of familiar faces. I had a 4 week old start today, soooo tiny, cute and perfect. I love babies.... which is why I teach them, lol!

I am also cracking on with decorating the house, top to bottom... to be all done in time for Christmas! I actually want it all done by the October holidays as we are going away, and it will also leave me with enough time to actually start getting organised for Christmas itself, lol. So I have been trawling through interior design magazines, paint charts and various online shops.... mmmmmm so many beautiful things...... I have lots of orders waiting to drop on my door-step, just ordered a very fetching set of flying ducks for my wall installation!

Ethan's daddy and I took our boy to see Toy Story 3 tonight. It was AMAZING, but also tugged at the heartstrings. We shared many a poignant moment over the top of Ethan's head and our 3D glasses!

Right, I am off to work my interior planning magic!

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