Thursday, 26 June 2008

bundles of books ...

E and I have just been shopping, as much as I tried to explain to Ethan that is is his birthday in 2 weeks, he still managed to wangle a couple of Hot Wheels out of me!! I was also in Waterstons buying some new books, as R&J announced the titles for their summer book club and they were all on 3 for 2. I said that he could choose a book, so I had 2 and he got the 1 free, but then he said 'if you have 2, I need 2' ...

Well who could argue with that, especially since I am a sucker from books and I love the fact that E is as drawn to them as I am.. So this took us to 4 books, but it made more sense to pick another 2, to take advantage of the 3 for 2 ... so now I sit here with a pile in front of me!!

We also went shopping for a gift for the 2 newest additions to the world, the two little Browning Princes. Jay is now an aunty (officially, as E thinks of her like an aunty anyway!), so we had a little look at all the baby loveliness... I did swither about what to buy, nearly got some Dr who figures as I know Steve would appreciate that, but not sure that Emma would, lol!! It got me really in the mood for baby things (NOT having a baby again, just the buying of all the small clothes, sooo cute!!) and I am really looking forward to becoming an aunty later in the year...

Then we went to get some food bits ... I have been really affected by this illness/bug/thingy .. I am really off the idea of meat, and really can't stomach chicken. I was thinking yesterday about the practicalities of becoming a vegetarian again, but I don't think that it is possible at the moment, with Ethan. I did get loads of fruit (i am addicted to fruit right now, peaches, kiwis, cherrys and strabs ... yum!!) and some Falafal (which with satisfy my vegetarian craving!).

Right, I am off to find my bookmark and get reading!!

Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Rain, rain go away!!

Although on a day when i am indoors I don't mind so much, it is nice to be all cozy. We have just finished watching The Wizard of Oz and I am trying to sort through my photos of today... there are loads considering that we haven't done very much today, lol!!

Here are some pics of the LO I finished just before I got sick... hopefully I am on the mend as I am desperate to play with all my new stash.

Ohhh we have got our SPS retreat booked, it is more of a mansion than a cottage, stunning. I will find the link and post it. Can't wait, pink PJ's and SPS headbands all round girls!!

Ohh (again!!), I had a LO published in this month's SI, will scan it and post it when I get a min!!!

Tuesday, 24 June 2008

a BUG's life ...

Grrrr it wasn't food poisoning after all, Ethan and I have a horrid sickness bug. I still feel rubbish and E had got it now. It has been hanging around for nearly a week and isn't nice at all. I am making some soup at the moment, not that I really want to eat anything, but I will try.

What is worse is that I got 3 lovely stash deliveries today and I can't play!!

That is all for now as typing this is hurting my eyes! Tomorrow is the 25th, so they are going to be some interesting photos!!


Friday, 20 June 2008

Sick, gross, yuk!

Ugggg I haven't been well... After a really nice meal out on Wednesday with Rachel and our boys, I woke at 3am with with the certain knowledge that I was going to be sick immanently ... the event arrived at 5am. It was horrid, yuk, gross.. i won't go into detail. But i was very unwell. I am only just out of bed and haven't been able to eat anything since wed. Not that I want to eat anything, the thought of food makes me want to vomit all over again!!

I ate a chicken salad the night before and that doubled with watching River Cottage Spring and Hugh's campaign on intensive chicken farming have made me determined never to eat chicken again and then if I ever do it will only be free range organic chicken.

I knew all about the horrendous living conditions of intensive farmed chickens, but some how a cheap tesco chicken makes you able to push that to the back of your mind, but the nutritional evidence (of lack of) speaks for itself. There is no nutritional value in non-organic free range chicken and there is more fat than a MacDonald's. So it isn't the healthy option we once thought of and chickens today have no omega 3, which is entirely down to the way in which they are reared. Unlike the organic free range, who get to run outside (or just set foot outside!) and eat grass, all factors which help to produce the essential brain food, omega 3. This is an important factor for me as a mother, I want the best for my son and i really worry about what goes in his mouth. So I know it is much more expensive and we may eat less chicken as a result, but from now on, E and I are only eating organic free range.

I have signed up for Hugh's campaign, as ultimately i think that supermarkets have a duty to the consumer and should reduce the price, so we can all eat healthier and give the chickens a better quality of life.

Right, I am off my soap box now as i need to have a bath and open the craft obsessions order that has just arrived, lol!!


Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Little people

We have our little house guest today, Logan came to stay last night, lots of fun and fighting over toys. The boys get on very well, but as there is only a year between them, they get very competitive. I am going to take L down to the park after we have dropped E at nursery and then this afternoon the 3 of us will head into town as we are going to meet up with Rachel and go out for dinner.

Tomorrow E and I are going on a little adventure, we are getting the train into Edinburgh and going to the cinema. I am really looking forward to it, I haven't been to the cinema with him in ages, as there isn't one here in Kirkcaldy.

I have finished a LO, just need to take some pics and I will get it uploaded.

Ohhh also, we have a date for our SPS Convention ... sooo cool. It is all coming together nicely, thanks to the wonderful Ali!!

OK, the boys are running around, so had better get on.
Have a great day everyone.
em xx

Monday, 16 June 2008


Morning All,

Well it is Monday again, doesn't it seem to come round awfully quickly?? 3 Weeks today my boy will be 4 years old. I am still adjusting to that fact, as i can still see him as a tiny baby, and now it will be no time at all before he is in his blazer heading off to his first day at 'big school'!!

We were at a family BBQ last night, it was so much fun and great to have everyone together. The weather was quite good (although we did have to resort to fleeces as the evening wore on) and thank goodness for the gazebo, as it kept off the rain when we had a little shower. The food was fab and we had a lovely little dancing and gymnastics display from the boys!! Am also planning more holidays!! Have booked off a week in October and Jo and I are going to look into going away with Ethan, Lou and Joseph, somewhere kid friendly like Centre Parcs. Then we are going to have a girly weekend away in November, probably somewhere involving lots of 'craic', lol!!

I think I have also worked out how to make Ethan's birthday cake, as he is desperate for it to be a 'Dr who cake' ... so have had to get my thinking cap on.

Joanne and I are also going to do the Moonwalk next year, so better get in training, watch out I will be asking you all for sponsor money, lol!

Working for 3 hours today, so need to get a move on. Hopefully I can finish the LO I was working on over the weekend, it is using some of the photos Ethan took of me, v funny!!

Back later
em xx

Thursday, 12 June 2008

Bad Brother!!

(**not my own brother, for he is fab, but the TV show**)

Now, I love BB, I am a massive fan, I am not one of these closet fans, you know the kind 'No, I don't watch it, trash TV, a manifestation of all that is wrong in society' but then they secretly watch it when no one is looking. I hold my hands up and say 'i love big brother'!! ....

However, I am struggling with this year's show, mainly down to one factor, Alexandra. She has to be the most hideous, poisonous, nasty specimen that they have ever had on. The past two nights have been really hard to watch, as she launched into a aggressive, bullying tirade against her fellow housemates. I was so angered by her bullying behaviour on Tuesday night that I promptly emailed channel 4 to complain. Now I have never, ever been pushed to do that before...

So I hope they get rid of her quickly, so i can go back to cringing and laughing at the numptys and all their shenanigans!!

Had a lovely week. Finished making Ethan's birthday invites, he is getting quite excited and wants all manner of DR Who merchandise for his birthday. I am trying to persuade him that the ELC Farm set is much nicer ... (we will see who wins!).

I also had a wee shopping trip this week, got 3 square punches, and the lovely, lovely, lovely (so lovely I had to say it three times) DCWV stack Nana's Nursery (in Boy). It is beautiful and I think i will have to go back and buy the girl version (just in case we get a wee baby girl in September!!). Also got a load of fabric samples and some yummy buttons.

Also got my invite for Grainia and Kelan's wedding. It will be fantastic, can't believe they are finally getting married, I love them both so much and the wedding is going to be V swish, with a Mass at St Mary's Cathedral and afterwards off to Edinburgh Castle for 'Ceol Agus Craic'!! Will be great to meet up with everyone again, and I am bound to cry lots. Ethan's dad is going too, so will need to psych myself up for that, but it should be fine (as long as he doesn't bring anyone, lol!). Getting info on the Hen soon, will be over in Ireland, as they both live in Belfast now, so will be fab fun.

Also going up to see my Nanny for a week in August, hope the weather holds as she has a great big garden and it will be lovely to hang out in the garden and sample all Graham's veg!! (E loves picking peas and helping me dig up the potatoes, because he can find worms, lol!).

Some exciting news, is that my team over on UKS are tentatively planning a wee retreat for all of us. We have discussed meeting in the Lakes (as it is in the middle!!) and hiring a cottage to scrap, chat and giggle, should be fab! So watch this space, I might be dragging all my crafting goodies around the country very soon, lol!

Right, I am off to wrap James' Fathers Day pressie, as he is collecting E tonight. E decided that he wanted to give daddy a nice mug, as he broke his other one. He picked a cute one that says 'I 'heart' Daddy', and then he picked some nice fruit tea, (James doesn't like coffee and drinks lots of fruit/herbal teas). So I should get some brownie points for that, plus he did make an effort for mothers day, so i should really reciprocate, lol!

Ok, toodle oo'
em xx

Friday, 6 June 2008

Still loving technology!!

Finally got around to arranging for the V+ box to be installed, had it before and it is a fab contraption, no more missed programmes, or double scheduling dilemma's (like last night when the BB launch was on the same time as Katie and Peter!!). Plus it means I can get rid of the freeview box in the bedroom, as the current cable box is getting moved to my bedroom, so no more dodgy signal! Also it means I can actually watch what i want and not what my little monkey dictates, lol!!


Loving technology

I am in love with my new phone ...

Finally I have one that is up to the job, it is perfect. Not only does it have an 8mb MP3 player, so I don't have to carry 2 things with me (the mp3 player can also play without speakers, so will be great for our apartment on holiday!!). It also has a fantastic camera, so that is another less thing I have to carry around with me. Every good scrapper knows that there are potential photo opp's everywhere, so this is a great bonus.

I took these photo's yesterday when we were at the park, they are much better quality than previous phones I have had. Going to make some apple tarts today to take along to the cocktail party and have looked up the recipe for french martini as my book doesn't have it.

Better go,
em xx

Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Un Enfant!!

Well, phew, I am back down to normal child levels!!

It was fun really and he is such a sweetie, I am just getting too old!!

Anyway, here is a LO I finished the other day, but haven't had a chance to upload before now. As I am really in to sewing at the moment, I decided to make lots of little pillows as the LO is all about E sleeping in my comfy bed. This was great fun, and I made too many, so will have to find another use for them. Have decided to give in and get a proper sewing machine, as I would definitely use it. Found a nice one at John Lewis, so will have a look at it, when I am over next week.

Also been trying to sort the summer holidays, filling it with stuff to keep E busy. Rachel, Logan, E and I are going to go away to Haven for a few days. Will be great for the kids and we can have a nice bottle of wine once they are in bed, hee hee! Also trying to price going back to Disneyland Paris in Jan/Feb, as there have been loads of adverts for it on the TV and E keep asking. He is a better age for it this time, and I loved it anyway ....

Can you tell I am in Holiday mode ??!!

Anyway - just got him to bed, so I am going to get comfy and watch Emmerdale, then try to have enough energy for some scrapping as I got some lovely gifts from the postman this morn!


Double trouble ....

I don't know how parents with more than one child do it ....?!

We currently have a little house guest, little Logan came to stay last night so I now have a nearly 3 and a nearly 4 year old running riot in my house. Logan is trying his hardest to corner the cats, but I have told him that Father Christmas is a cat lover and wouldn't be pleased!!

We have all been up since 6.30, so I will probably fall asleep soon .... need to stay awake long enough to greet the postie, who should be bringing me treats!! (particularly looking forward to my teamie ribbon challenge!!)

Need to get my thinking cap on creatively-wise, as we have a big summer extravaganza day at work soon and they want me to demonstrate scrapbooking ....!

Right - better go and break up the 'i want up on the chair' fight...
back soon
em xxx

Sunday, 1 June 2008

High heels and sore feet!!

But what a ball... I collected E from nursery on Thursday and his teacher said that he had been a complete star and eaten ALL his lunch!! So i promised him a trip to the Disney store once we got to Edinburgh. It took him a while to decide, but finally he chose Mike from Monsters Inc. I also got him The Fox and The Hound (sob, sob) and Brother Bear on DVD as an early birthday present. Once I had dropped E with his dad, I headed on over to Jo's and we went out for a very lovely dinner. We enjoyed a couple of cocktails at the bar, a yummy French martini (i mean, so so yummy!!) and a Cosmo (obviously) and also enjoyed the yummy barman! After a fab 3 course meal, 2 espressos and a bottle of presecco, we wandered home, all giggly, with sore feet and full of chit chat! After a little fashion show, some tunes from my mp3 and a slow dance, we fell into bed and apparently i talk in my sleep ('it's in the basket'!!!).

I had a little bit of a sore head in the morning, but after a nice lie in I went to meet Jo for a coffee in the 'holy land'. I was going to attempt to use my GPS but ran late and opted for a taxi, who got lost (WTF!?) and i ended up having to walk anyway.

I had a lovely 'me' day, went shopping ( i ended up getting 2 new dresses and other bits and bobs!!) and got my hair cut (got to love the head massage!!). It was a fab relaxing day, apart from the bit where i ran totally late and had about 5 minutes to get ready and head out to meet everyone for cocktails before the film!! Much to our excitement they were serving alcohol in the cinema. So we stocked up (much to Jo's peril .... 3 beers equal a full bladder, equal missing last 20 mins of film due to lack in concentration due to full bladder, hee hee!!) and sat down with our hot dogs (I obviously carefully arranged some napkins to avoid ketchup splash-back, lol!) to enjoy the film ....................................................

The film is great, defo worth seeing. It was fab to see all the girls ... but we were all left a little disappointed. All the elements were there, but despite the 2 1/2 hours, the 'essence' of the characters were missing, it felt a little rushed and not always true to the TV show. But I will obviously be buying the DVD to watch again and again!! We all nearly cried at parts and I laughed a little too much at one bit. The ending was great, it just felt like a little something was missing, maybe that is what happens when you translate a TV phenomenon into a film ..?

What was great, was how many people had dressed up too. I was glad so many people wanted to celebrate the occassion and honour of the show! What was annoying was the group of women at the front, who talked too much and cackled at the main bits!

Last night Jo came over and we got Chinese, cried at PS I Love You and talked about all our favourite SATC episodes and then watched 4 more (**private joke time .... 'but how old is he supposed to be?' ... hee hee!!).

Can't wait until my holiday now, it is going to be fab!!

Ethan came back from London tonight, with a massive on Beth, his 11 year old step-cousin. Apparently he demanded a kiss form her when she left ( I would of preferred Victoria, she was always my favourite, lol!!). He told me that he is going to marry her now!

I've got a cocktail party on Friday, so i will give my poor sore feet a few days to rest then step into my fabulous shoes and fabulous new dress and have a fabulous time .... and enjoy a yummy french martini!! Hee hee!!

Chao dahlings