Thursday 26 June 2008

bundles of books ...

E and I have just been shopping, as much as I tried to explain to Ethan that is is his birthday in 2 weeks, he still managed to wangle a couple of Hot Wheels out of me!! I was also in Waterstons buying some new books, as R&J announced the titles for their summer book club and they were all on 3 for 2. I said that he could choose a book, so I had 2 and he got the 1 free, but then he said 'if you have 2, I need 2' ...

Well who could argue with that, especially since I am a sucker from books and I love the fact that E is as drawn to them as I am.. So this took us to 4 books, but it made more sense to pick another 2, to take advantage of the 3 for 2 ... so now I sit here with a pile in front of me!!

We also went shopping for a gift for the 2 newest additions to the world, the two little Browning Princes. Jay is now an aunty (officially, as E thinks of her like an aunty anyway!), so we had a little look at all the baby loveliness... I did swither about what to buy, nearly got some Dr who figures as I know Steve would appreciate that, but not sure that Emma would, lol!! It got me really in the mood for baby things (NOT having a baby again, just the buying of all the small clothes, sooo cute!!) and I am really looking forward to becoming an aunty later in the year...

Then we went to get some food bits ... I have been really affected by this illness/bug/thingy .. I am really off the idea of meat, and really can't stomach chicken. I was thinking yesterday about the practicalities of becoming a vegetarian again, but I don't think that it is possible at the moment, with Ethan. I did get loads of fruit (i am addicted to fruit right now, peaches, kiwis, cherrys and strabs ... yum!!) and some Falafal (which with satisfy my vegetarian craving!).

Right, I am off to find my bookmark and get reading!!

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