Monday 12 May 2008

Countdown ....

Yes, I am on a countdown... two weeks on Friday i will be seeing the eagerly awaited Sex And The City film and I am so excited .... I can't wait ...!

I love the show, am a massive fan, have it all on DVD and never tire of watching it again, again and again. So Friday 30th of May is D Day.

I will be heading over to Edinburgh on the Thursday for a fab girly night with Jo at the lovely Italian round the corner (that is a restaurant, not a man, hee hee!) and then I will 'potter around town' to quote Jo, on the Friday while she is at work. Before a group of us head to the flicks on the Friday, we will prob enjoy a few cocktails as well! I just need to find something fabulous to wear dah'ling!!

I just hope, hope, hope that they don't spilt Big and Carrie up, it was bad enough when she dumped Aiden!!

Take this quiz to see which character you are, v funny!! Apparently I am Carrie! 'Your friends would be lost without you and fashion houses would crumble in your absence'. Hee hee!!


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